
  • Visiting primary school children in our visitor centre with one of our science communication interns.
    Help us inspire children about sea and science

Working at ҹѰ as a volunteer, intern or work experience pupil

We offer volunteers a range of opportunities to experience different facets of our marine science and professional activities: School pupils may join us for a few days' work experience; interns might stay for several months to build on their college or university learning and we also have occasional volunteer helpers.

Also work in our governance is voluntary where experienced and senior professionals offer their services to guide the institution.

As a multi-disciplinary organisation, ҹѰ must be one of the best learning environments around.  For those seeking practical skills, this is the place to come...

ҹѰ is a multi-disciplinary research organisation and a great learning environment where students can learn vital practical techniques related to their core course subjects.  Each year we receive a large number of enquiries from students around the world looking to carry out a student placement period as part of their university course.  This can be anything from 2-6 months. 

We are not 'recruiting' interns but will respond to enquiries and host many intern every year. These are mostly science based but also our other activities have previously attracted interns, in particular work in our visitor centre that can fit into environmental education and tourism learning programmes.

Students who are looking for placements are asked to email us with details of their areas of interest, expertise and what they need to get out of their placement choice.  We will then investigate if our activities address the applicants need and our own capacity. Applicants should submit a recent CV with their enquiry. When sending this information, please indicate if you would be happy for us to share with our scientific staff within the organisation.

Please submit your requests well in advance of your required placement.  This allows your information to be circulated, your enquiry to be followed up and all arrangements to be put into place.

Contact: hr@sams.ac.uk

From time to time we receiving requests looking for volunteering opportunities. This may be to improve communication skills (including English language skills), build confidence, develop customer skills, learn about marine science, or to share an existing expertise for the benefit of a joint cause like public education about marine science and conservation. Volunteers usually join us for a block of a few days or weeks, or more regularly for a few hours a week or month.

We have regular volunteers helping us in our  from time to time. They assist with events, school workshops or just help out in running this free visitor and outreach centre. We do very much value the support volunteers can provide!

Outreach and visitor centre internship opportunities 2019

Any Ocean Explorer Centre volunteer should contact the OEC Director (E: anuschka.miller@sams.ac.uk). Any other volunteer, please contact HR (E: hr@sams.ac.uk).

ҹѰ has been hosting work experience pupils for many years and in principle supports the ethos of giving young people an opportunity to get a taste of what different jobs in marine science and infrastructure (facilities, IT, administration, communications) are like. Work experience visits normally last from 1 to 5 days.

Due to a lack of resources, we do not currently have a coordinator to arrange work experience and you will need to find a host at ҹѰ by contacting the relevant staff you would like to work for.

If you are stuck with this, please contact our education officer Helen McNeill for further guidance.

Health and Safety statement for work experience